No Place Like LONDON

2008.03.07. 13:25


I have sailed the world
beheld its wonders
from the Dardanelles,
to the mountains of Peru,
But there's no place like London!
I feel home again...
I could hear the city bells ring...
Whatever would I do?
No there's...

[Sweeney Todd]

No place like London...

[Antony (spoken)]

Mr. Todd, sir

[Sweeney Todd]

You are young...
Life has been kind to you...
You will learn.
(Spoken) 'Tis here we go our seperate ways.
Farewell Antony.
I will not soon forget the good ship bountiful, nor the young man who saved my life.


(Spoken) There's no cause to thank me for that, sir.
It would have been a poor Christian indeed who would have spotted you
pinching and tossing on that raft and not given the alarm.

[Sweeney Todd]

There's many a Christian would've done just that and not lost a winks sleep over it either.

[Beggar Woman]

(Sung) Alms, alms for a miserable woman, on a miserable chilly mornin'!
Thank ya, sir, thank ya...
How would ya like a little muff,
dear a little jig-jig,
a little bounce around the bush!
Wouldn't ya like to push me parsley?
It looks to me, dear, that you've got plenty there to push!
Alms, alms for a pitiful woman...
what's got wandering wits?
Hey! DOn't I know you, mister?

[Sweeney Todd]

Must you glare at me, woman?
Off with you!
Off I say!

[Beggar Woman]

Then how would ya like to split me muff?
Mister, we'll go jig-jig!
A little...

[Sweeney Todd]

Off I said!
To the devil with you!

[Beggar Woman]

Alms, alms for a pitiful woman!

[Antony (Spoken)]

Pardon me, sir, but there's no need to fear the likes of her,
she's only a half-crazed beggar woman...
London's full of them.

[Sweeney Todd (spoken)]

I beg your indulgance, boy, my mind is far from easy.
For in the once familiar streets I feel a chill of ghostly shadows everywhere.
Forgive me.

[Antony (spoken)]

There is nothing to forgive.

[Sweeney Todd (spoken)]

Farewell, Antony.

[Antony (spoken)]

Mr. Todd, before we part...

[Sweeney Todd (spoken)]

What is it?

[Antony (spoken)]

I have honored my promise never to question you.
Whatever brought you to that sorry shipwreck is your affair and yet, over
many weeks of our voyage home,
I've come to think of you as a friend,
and if trouble lies ahead for you in London, if you
need any help...or money.

[Sweeney Todd (spoken)]

There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
and the vermin of the world inhabit it
and its morals aren't worth what a pig could spit
and it goes by the name of London.
At the top of the hole sit the privileged few
Making mock of the vermin in the lonely zoo
turning beauty to filth and greed...
I too have sailed the world and seen its wonders,
for the cruelty of men is as wonderous as Peru
but there's no place like London!

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